Sédimentologie - Paléoclimats - Océanographie

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Articles scientifiques synthétisés
Freshwater influx to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea from the melting of the Fennoscandian ice sheet during the last deglaciation
Vadsaria, Zaragosi, Ramstein, Dutay, Li, Siani, Revel, Obase & Abe-Ouchi - 2022
The Role of Lithosphere Thickness in the Formation of Ocean Islands and Seamounts: Contrasts between the Louisville and Emperor–Hawaiian Hotspot Trails
Fitton, Williams, Barry & Saunders - 2021
A model-based approach to the tempo of "collapse": The case of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
DiNapoli, Rieth, Lipo, Hunt - 2020

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) monument (ahu) locations explained by freshwater sources
DiNapoli, Lipo, Broosnan, Hunt, Hixon, Morrison & Becker - 2019
Numerical simulations of a kilometre-thick Arctic ice shelf consistent with ice grounding observations
Gasson, DeConto, Pollard & Clark - 2018
Multi-centennial variability of the AMOC over the Holocene: A new reconstruction based on multiple proxy-derived SST records
Ayache M., Swingedouw D., Mary Y., Eynaud F., Colin C.- 2018
Pacific plate motion change caused the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend
Torsvik, Doubrovine, Steinberger, Gaina, Spakman, Domeier - 2017

Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complexe
Patton, Hubbard, Andreassen, Auriac, Whitehouse, Stroeven, Shackleton, Winsborrow, Heyman & Hall - 2017

The build-up, configuration, and dynamical sensitivity of the Eurasian ice-sheet complex to Late Weichselian climatic and oceanic forcing
Patton, Hubbard, Andreassen, Winsborrow & Stroeven - 2016
Evidence for End-stage Cannibalism on Sir John Franklin’s Last Expedition to the Arctic, 1845
Mays & Beattie - 2016

The Svalbard – Barents Sea ice-sheet – Historical, current and future perspectives
Ingólfsson & Landvik - 2013
Mud aprons in front of Svalbard surge moraines: Evidence of subglacial deforming layers or proglacial glaciotectonics?
Kristensen, Benn, Hormes & Ottesen - 2009
Archeology of the continental shelf: Marine resources, submerged landscapes and underwater archeology
Bailey & Flemming - 2008

Late Quaternary contourites and glaciomarine sedimentation in the Fram Strait
John A. Howe, Tracy M. Shimmield, Rex Harland - 2008
Behaviour of a Piston Corer from Accelerometers and New insights on Quality of the Recovery
Bourillet, Damy, Dussud, Sultan, Woerther, Migeon - 2007
Palaeoenvironmental assessment of Westphalian fluvio-lacustrine deposits of Lorraine (France) using a combination of organic geochemistry and sedimentology
Fleck, Michels, Izart, Elie, Landais - 2001

Physiographie et distribution sédimentaire récente de l’éventail celtique profond, Golfe de Gascogne
S. Zaragosi, G.A. Auffret, J.-C. Faugères, T. Garlan, C. Pujol, E. Cortijo - 2000
The Effect of Summer Tropical Heating on the Location and Intensity of the Extratropical Westerly Jet Stream
Yand & Webster - 1990